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Pneumatic Dashboard Overview

A 2-minutes demo shows the dashboard, shows how to switch between tasks and workflows, explain the difference between the two views - what you see in the tasks dashboard vs what you see in the workflows dashboard, explains about the time periods and the numbers shown in the metrics.


Key points covered in the video:

  • Pneumatic’s Dashboard serves as the ultimate portal to access key metrics about what’s going on in the system.
  • The Dashboard has two views: Workflows and Tasks, which give you access to metrics about your workflows and your tasks respectively.
  • The Workflows view displays templates owned by the user and key metrics for selected periods, such as how many workflows are in progress, how many were started and how many were completed. This information is broken down by workflow template and workflow step.
  • Users can run new workflows, edit templates, and drill down into specific workflow types and stages: clicking on a stage opens  up the Workflows view filtered by the workflow template and workflow stage that the user clicked on in the Dashboard.
  • The Tasks view shows workflow templates with running instances and assigned tasks. The focus here is on your tasks.
  • Information in the Tasks view is broken down by template and template stage, focusing on assigned tasks.
  • Metrics in Tasks view include assigned tasks, tasks in progress, overdue tasks, and completed tasks.
  • Clicking on a specific stage within a workflow template opens up the My Tasks view with the tasks filtered for the template and stage.