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How Do I Set Up
a Team Workflow?

Task management works well for small teams relying on loosely coupled cooperation, like a garage band. However, as the team size increases and tasks become more complex, it’s essential to transition from cooperation to collaboration, transforming your team into a well-orchestrated ensemble. In this post, we’ll explore how to build and manage effective team workflows using Pneumatic.

From Cooperation to Collaboration

As tasks become more complex, closely integrated collaboration is necessary. This involves breaking down tasks into subtasks and assigning them to specific people or teams. The goal is to create assembly-line processes, with Pneumatic seamlessly orchestrating handovers between team members.

Building Your Team Processes

One significant benefit of utilizing Pneumatic Workflow software lies in its exceptional support for the ongoing development of your business processes. The software offers easily editable workflow templates, ensuring flexibility in managing your operations. If you have hundreds of ongoing workflows based on a particular template, editing it will prompt Pneumatic to meticulously review each active workflow.

  1. Start small: create a single-task workflow and add all the people working on it as performers. Then, add a checklist to break the task down into subtasks, specifying which performer is responsible for each item.
  2. Observe the item completion order: use the single-task template to determine which checklist items are completed first and which are completed last. Use this information to transform the single-task workflow into a multi-stage workflow by arranging the items in their completion order. You don’t have to create a new workflow template, just add new stages to what used to be your initial one stage workflow template.
  3. Add output fields: to ensure seamless handovers between stages, edit your workflow template once again and add output fields to each stage to pass information from one stage to the next.
  4. Add flexibility with conditional logic: add conditions to dynamically include or exclude stages depending on the data provided. This allows your workflow to adapt to changing circumstances on the fly.

Consequently, the software accurately applies all modifications and resolves any potential conflicts, streamlining your workflow management.

The Result: A Collaborative Team Workflow

With a well-designed team workflow, different team members take responsibility for their stage of the process, collaborating seamlessly and handing the process over as they complete their tasks. Each team member can easily focus on only the information that is relevant to them. By organizing tasks into workflows, you can effectively manage complex projects and foster collaboration among team members, transforming your team from a garage band into a harmonious orchestra, with Pneumatic serving as the conductor that ensures everybody knows their score.